Thursday, August 06, 2009

An overwhelming amount of art...

Every week or so, I have to go all throughout the house and take down all the artwork that has been taped up so that we can make room for the next week's creations. I take art down from my bedroom door, the fridge, the kids' closet doors. The actual art room itself is totally wallpapered. I go through and keep what is their best effort. I know it sounds harsh that I chuck a portion of their artwork away, but seriously.... there is no way we could begin to store it. So I keep the best. And when I have accumulated enough, I just zig zag them together.


  1. I had to start a box for Zoe. If it doesn't fit in the box, she can't keep it.

  2. I throw away tons!! I like your idea of zig-zagging them into a book though--less papers strewn all over the place.

  3. That is an amazing idea. Do you date the books?

  4. abbi, yes - i'm kind of doing it with a school year - this was 2008 - 2009.

  5. To make it less painful for the kids I take pictures of it before recycling it. (Or let them do it themselves.) Digital files don't take up any room!

  6. Brilliant! Zigzag...duh. I've got mine stuffed into a giant box which is no fun. I love this.
