I found this free baby shoe pattern and thought they may make a good baby gift. Having never tried them on an actual baby, I don't know this to be true - they may be ill fitting, uncomfortable, or worst of all, fall off easy. However, it was a super easy project - took maybe 30 minutes. And yes, I am aware I need to come up with a new ornamentation for sewing projects besides the birds.

What are you doing up? Those are so cute! I want to look through those patterns with you when I come down.
I love those birds! So 70's Partridge family! And I bet if you added just two grommits, you'd be able to add a small ribbon to tie them on better.
I actually shelled out the money to buy one of those hand held sewing/hemming things because I am so sick of sewing by hand. I have no idea if it works because we haven't managed to get any batteries for it yet.
Nice, I love how they turned out, and so what, the birds are great!!
All the Moms in the neighborhood have voted that you are the best!! You are makeing the rest of us look bad. These are so cute! I wish I could bottle half of your creativity!
Bring a pair over and we'll give 'em a try!
Those are really cute!
The hand held thing doesn't work :(
the booties and hats are great. and the booties are good for babies, i've made them for mine and really really liked them. they fall off if the little feet are moving around a ton, but what baby shoe doesn't?
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